Scientists discover new way to measure cosmic expansion.

Astrophysicists have proposed a new way to measure cosmic expansion, using lensed gravitational waves. This new method could help to shed light on the mysterious dark energy that is driving the expansion of the universe. [Source:]

New image from James Webb Space Telescope reveals astonishing Saturn and its rings.

Space Telescope has released a new image of Saturn and its rings, and it is simply stunning. The image shows the rings in unprecedented detail, and it reveals a wealth of new information about the structure and composition of the rings. [Source: NASA]

New ferroelectric material could give robots muscles.

Researchers have developed a new ferroelectric material that could be used to create artificial muscles for robots. The material is made of a polymer that is embedded with tiny crystals, and it can be electrically activated to contract and expand. [Source: ScienceDaily]

Static electricity attracts ticks to hosts, scientists find.

Scientists have discovered that static electricity can attract ticks to hosts. The study found that ticks are more likely to attach to hosts when they are carrying a static charge. This could have implications for the development of new tick repellents. [Source:]

Scientists discover clues to aging and healing from a squishy sea creature

Researchers have discovered clues to aging and healing from a squishy sea creature called a sea slug. The sea slug has the ability to regenerate its entire body, and scientists believe that this ability may be due to a protein that is also found in humans. [Source: ScienceNews]

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